its good to let people know about them, because this helps them to improve on themselves. this avoids the person from doing the same mistakes again in the future. if we help them by doing so, we would be treated in the same way too. imagine your close friend doing something wrong, what would you do? do you just sit and watch, then later comment on his or her action. now, that wouldn't be nice at all! what should we do is aknowledge them, let them know what will be the cosequences of such action. help them commit no sins, help them to educate. a real friend would bother! but you would wonder, what if they diss our advise or opinion? that my friends should be left for the 'creator' to save them. but you have to do your part. make it a golden rule to do so!
my dear friends, we must also realise that when we do point out our friends mistakes, do it without being bossy, because this will only ends with our friend being annoyed. Should never sound pushy but we must let them know and bring them to light about their mistakes. give them the clear picture, but let them decide... if they still persist on what they want to do then...... its out of our hand, but atleast we tried!
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